Buck Rogers in the Twenty Sixth Century "The Prelude to War" Written by Anthony I don't hold any copyrights to this story, and it was made without profit. Teaser: ext: Castle Dracon. We are in the capital of Draconia, where King Draco and the central government reside. The camera pans over a large castle. The castle itself looks like it could come from the Middle Ages, but there are many futuristic machines surrounding it, such as an electronic drawbridge and an aircraft landing pad. The camera pans all the way across, before going black for a beat. int: Council Room. The camera is pointed around a large, rectangular table. Around the table are old men, all dressed in what appears to be Draconian formal wear. The background is rather regal, and it is apparent that the men in this room are nobility. One of the few times you will see him out of Earth's formalwear, Curtis is wearing what everyone else is. One other note is that King Draco is in the room, but he is never seen by the viewer (meaning the camera never shows him). It is assumed that he sits at the end of the table, based on where his voice comes from and the people looking towards him when they speak. Nocht (noble): "My lord, a war against Earth would be too costly." Tragen (noble): "You’re missing the point, Nocht. Long ago, our country was disgraced by defeat following the fall of the Nova Fleet. This would be our chance for vengeance." Burge (noble): "Even if we did fight for your 'vengeance' and won, we would lose too many men in this doomed scheme." Curtis: "But it would be worth it to subjugate Earth. If we can invade Earth, we've eliminated our one threat towards domination of the universe." Nocht: "You're mad!" Curtis: "And you're a coward!" Draco: "Silence, all of you!" King Draco pauses for a beat, and the camera can see all faces turned towards him in frightful submission. Cont: "I have heard both arguments, and they are both valid. It would be costly, but worth it. However, Earth is powerful, and their countries' combined forces could be our ruin. Even if we won, would we have enough soldiers to maintain order on ruined Earth? Curtis." Curtis: "Yes sir?" Draco: "You were responsible for starting this whole mess, weren't you?" Curtis nods his head, but you can't see fear in his eyes. "Yes sir." Draco: "Yesterday, I received an official message from Earth, saying that unless we concede to their terms, they will declare war against us. One of those demands was that we bring you to the Defense Directorate, where you will be under their custody." Curtis looks a bit fearful now, but is regaining his composure quite well. Cont: "The other demands are rather light, and I could pay them to keep us out of a big mess." Burge: "Hand him to the Earthlings!" Draco: "I have considered that, Noble Burge. But I have a better plan. I give you a choice, Minister Curtis. I can hand you to Earth, or you can fight for us." Curtis: "Fight for you?" Draco: "I am willing to wage war against Earth. As Noble Tragen declared, we would regain honor, should we be the victors in this dispute. Plus, we would be powerful enough to wage a campaign of galactic domination, should we defeat our one vital enemy. Taking that into consideration, it is only fair that I give you a chance." Curtis: "What would you have me do?" Draco: "I will give you an army, albeit a small one, and you will overthrow the Earthling's government." Tragen: "But sir, we would need our entire military force to be involved to even have a chance." Draco: "Curtis is well versed in guerilla warfare. His tactics against Earth in the past have been to attack and flee. Minister Charles Curtis, would you rather become a prisoner to the Defense Directorate, or fight in my name against our sworn enemies?" The camera now points directly at Curtis, who stands up and looks very formal and stiff. Curtis: "King Draco, I shall wage glorious battle against our sworn enemies in your name, and shall not rest until they are vanquished." Draco: "Very well. Curits, I shall decline Earth's offering of peace, and leave all responsibilities of this war in your hands. I also ordain the S.S.ANDROPOV Mother Ship of the Nova Fleet 2." Nocht: "Nova Fleet 2..." Draco: "If we do invade Earth, it is only fitting that we do so with the same squadron that lost the historical Battle of Pittsburgh so many years ago, no? Nocht, arrange a fighting force of five hundred men, with ships. No more." Curtis: "Only five hundred? We'll get slaughtered!" Draco: "You should have thought of that before trying to shoot a nuclear bomb. Tragen, alert the people that we are in a state of war, but that there will be no tax increases." Tragen: "Yes sir." Draco: "I wish you the best of luck, Curtis. You've just agreed to fight an entire planet for me." The camera looks at Curtis's shocked face, as he realizes what he just got himself into. The camera closes in on his surprised face, and before slowly going black. End of Teaser Commence Opening Credits ======================================================================= Beginning of Act One int: Buck's Room Buck is lying on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. He looks very stressed out, and appears to just be staring into space. As he does this, Twiki enters where Buck is. Twiki: "Buck? Buck, are you alright?" Buck: "Yeah. I just can't believe he got away..." Twiki: "You'll get him next time. You always do. Besides, I have something that should take your mind off that." At this point, Buck sits up, looking at Twiki. Buck: "What is it?" Twiki: "Your friend from the Draconian Empire sent the Defense Directorate a transmission." Buck: "Friend from the Draconian Empire... Curtis?" Twiki: "Ah yes, him. He's still on the transmission, and Huer wants you in the room." Now, Buck stands up. Buck: "How is Curtis getting into the Defense Directorate?" Twiki: "Dr. Theopolis believes that he somehow hacked into our servers." Buck: "Lead to where Huer is, Twiki." Twiki begins to start walking quickly out of the room, with Buck following closely behind. Twiki: "Follow me." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cut to: ext: Draconian Castle City int: Broadcast station The camera quickly shows what looks to be a large broadcasting studio, complete with a huge satellite perched on the roof. Now the camera is focused in a room with a brown wooden table, and Curtis sitting at the end of it. The background around Curtis looks like the office that a televised Presidential Address is given in. Curtis is wearing a gray, three-piece suit, with a red bowtie. Cynthia, who is standing to the side of the desk, is wearing her usual military outfit. Unlike the other soldiers, though, she is wearing a skirt that goes to her knees. The camera now quickly shows what looks to be a large screen opposite to Curtis, and that is what he is looking into. The screen is black right now, and Curtis averts his gaze to look at Cynthia. Cynthia: "Sir, are you sure that you want to go through with this?" Curtis nods. Curtis: "Yes, I am. I've come too far to quit now." Cynthia sighs. Cynthia: "I suppose, so, sir. I just don't want you to take more than you can handle." Curtis: "Don't worry. Besides, you could benefit from this as well." Cynthia now looks confused. Cynthia: "How could I..." Before she could finish her sentence, a voice in to the side of the camera shouts. Director: "We will regain contact in five, four, three, two, one..." As the announcer counts down, Curtis: "I'll tell you later." Now the camera looks back at the large screen, but it is no longer back. Dr. Huer is sitting right in the center of the screen, and there are other important looking people behind him. However, Huer's face takes up most the screen. Curtis (facing the screen): "I've given you long enough. What is your response?" Huer looks furious, to say the least. "I thought I made it clear the first time. The answer is no!" Curtis: "Ah. I see. I guess you don't want to avert a costly war, Huer." Huer (shouting): "You're the one that started this war, you fool!" Curtis: "I only did what I did to restore honor. Rogers killed my son, and I was repaying what he did to me." Huer: "By hurting innocent people? No Curtis, you are either trying to invade Earth, or you are just demented." Curtis: "I grow tired of your insults. Let me speak to Rogers, as agreed." Huer now glares at Curtis, and steps out of the way. Buck can be seen walking towards the screen, though he doesn't look much happier than Huer. Buck: "What do you want now?" Curtis: "I'll give you the same offer I gave your foolish Director of the Defense Directorate. As you know, Earth recently declared war to Draconia." Buck: "Yeah, I remember. I helped recommend it." Curtis: "I'm sure you did. You probably also know that we refused your demands for peace, do you not?" Buck: "I heard. What's your point?" Curtis: "Perhaps you forget that Draconia could easily crush your puny nation. It should be I that threatens you with war, not the other way around. Therefore, I have an offer of my own to settle this." Buck: "I'm sure I can guess what it is..." Curtis: "Captain Rogers, if you give yourself up to Draconian forces, we will cancel our plans of war." Buck: "Are you crazy? You tried to blow up Earth, and you want me to come with you like I'm the bad guy?" Curtis: "I guess that you don't care about others. I'm giving you a chance to save Earth from a costly and destructive war, to be a martyr to your nation, in a sense. I'm giving you the chance to make sure children don't have to be drafted to fight against us, which of course, they will lose as we invade your puny planet. Yet, you would selfishly refuse?" At this, Huer can be seen shoving Buck, gently, to the side as he takes the center of the screen. Huer: "I'm not going to make Buck answer that question. I'll say what I said again; we would sooner fight and lose than give into the demands of a traitor of Earth!" Curtis, now looking pretty angry, stands up from the desk, glaring. His hands are placed firmly on the desk still, and he is slightly leaning towards the screen now. Curtis: "If that's how you want it, then I guess I have no choice. Prepare to be destroyed, you old fool!" After he says this, the screen goes black again, and a sound can be heard that the transmission was cut. Curtis still looks very angry, and Cynthia walks over to where he is. Cynthia: "Sir, are you alright?" Curtis: "I'm fine. I just... I just need a moment. Could you hand me a glass of water?" Cynthia nods, and leaves the screen. Curtis (to himself): "All this just seems to be happening too fast for me..." End of Act 1 ============================================ Beginning of Act 2 ext: United Nations Headquarters int: Council Chamber The camera can screen around what looks like a futuristic version of the United Nations Council Chamber. There is a podium in front, for the head, and the rows of seats for the world leaders. However, there are only two rows of seats, denoting that there are significantly less countries than five hundred years ago. Dr. Huer is standing at the podium, with a very important looking man behind him, who oversees such meetings. He will be known as Randy Burris. They are both alone in the room, and both standing. Burris: "Elias, you've worked at the Defense Directorate your entire adult life, have you not?" Huer nods. Huer: "I have, since I was 18 years of age." Burris: "Then do you really think that we can wage a war against both the Houten and the Draconians? Don't you think that you're going to be spreading our forces a little thin?" Huer: "Come on, Randy... Do we have a choice?" Burris: "But what country is going to give more soldiers than before. The United States and the Soviet Union would be the hardest to sway to our side." Huer frowns. Huer: "But they would also be the most necessary if we were to have a chance. Their technologies..." Burris: "My suggestion, I'm afraid, may be to hand over Buck." Huer now looks furious, and takes a step towards Burris. "I will NEVER hand over one of my own men, especially Buck. Why, he's done so much good for both us and the many planets in our solar system. I would sooner die in a war against the Draconians then give Buck up." Burris: "Dr. Huer, you're not thinking rationally. One man could save our world from destruction." Huer: "But we have a chance. If we budge now..." Huer then pauses. Burris: "Yes, then what?" Huer: "We would send the message that we don't have the power to defend ourselves. Today it's one man, but tomorrow we could be sending a ship full of our healthiest men to work as slaves in Draconian mines!" As Burris is about to respond, a woman enters the room. Messenger: "The world leaders are here." Burris turns his attention to the woman. Burris: "Thank you. Send them in" The woman nods, and then walks out of the room. Burris then begins to walk towards the podium, but glances back at Huer before doing so. Huer: "Think what is best for our entire planet. We need to work together, and you have the power to unite us." Burris: "Elias, I already know what is best for our planet. But listen, we have other things to discuss, so you won't be needed here for about two hours. You can return to the Defense Directorate and get anything you feel that you may need to convince us in that time." Huer: "I'll be back in two hours, then." Huer walks to the side of the platform, where there are stairs leading down, as the screen fades. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ext: S.S.ANDROPOV int: Curtis's office Curtis is sitting behind his desk, reading a file. He then puts his hand on his forehead, and sighs. Curtis: "How am I going to figure all this out..." At this, a knock can be heard on the door. Curtis pushes a button on his desk, and a camera image can be seen on his desk showing Cynthia outside the door. He pushes another button on his desk, and the door opens. Cynthia: "Good evening, Captain." Curtis: "Oh, hello Cynthia. Is it still hectic outside?" Cynthia: "If by hectic you mean are the mechanics still installing those new machines, then yes, it is hectic outside." Curtis: "I didn't think that the Mother Ship of the Nova Fleet would need a tracking device and speaker implant to every ship under my command." Cynthia now sits down on the chair opposite to him. "I suppose that is the cost of such power. You, sir, now control 100 fighter ships." Curtis: "That is true. Anyways, did you need me for something?" Cynthia: "I do. I wanted to know how my position on this ship will be affected by this sudden turn of events." Curtis now looks down, avoiding Cynthia's face. Curtis: "You will still be my personal assistant aboard the ship. However..." Cynthia now looks a bit worried. "However, what?" Curtis: "I'm going to have to demote you..." Cynthia now looks very hurt. Cynthia: "Why?" Curtis: "Politics, I'm afraid. King Draco told me that the order of command on this ship is the order of command of the entire Nova Fleet. I'm afraid that he wanted someone more qualified for the position." Cynthia: "Qualified. You mean like a general?" Curtis now looks flustered. "Not exactly. Someone on the ship, actually. Someone from the council who supported my campaign." Cynthia: "If it's not a general, and I am a Lieutenant by rank, than why would he be more qualified. And what do you mean by politics?" Curtis now stands up. Curtis: "Fine, I'll come right out with it. King Draco wants men to be at the top of the chain of command for this position." Cynthia now looks like she was just slapped across the face. "Men! I'm not good enough because I'm a woman!" Curtis quickly presses the button he did to make the door open, which now closes it. Curtis: "Cynthia, this was not my idea, but I have to abide by it. I'm sorry, alright." Cynthia now stands up. Cynthia: "Why didn't you contest this decision?" Curtis: "Because, you have to understand. Listen, I did all that I could. You are still my personal assistant..." Cynthia: "Oh great. I get to run around, doing nothing important but looking pretty around the ship." Curtis: "I'm sorry, but they felt that society, and especially our troops, would not respond well to a woman being one heartbeat away from leading such an important war." Cynthia now slumps back in her chair. "Charles, do you know what's it like to be a woman in Draconia that doesn't want to marry and care for children her whole life? I chose to do something more with my life, and it was a long and hard journey to get here. Think of how my superiors treated a woman. But I was promoted, and you were the only one who gave me a chance." Curtis: "Cynthia. I'm sorry that this had to happen, but I'm afraid that I have to stand by this decision. If you refuse, then I will have to discharge you." Cynthia stands up, and glares hard at Curtis. Cynthia: "I thought I could trust you! Fine, if that's what you want, then I'll just request a transfer to a different military operation!" Before Curtis can say anything, Cynthia storms out of the room. Curtis sits back down, and shakes his head. Finally, he smiles, and grabs a pen and begins to mark the paper on his desk. End of Act Two ======================================= Beginning of Act Three ext: Defense Directorate int: Huer's office Huer is pulling something out of his drawer, with Buck and Wilma standing beside his desk. Huer grabs a folder, and sets it on his desk. Buck: "How did the meeting go, sir?" Huer: "Not well. It seems like the popular consensus is that you should just be given to the Draconians." Buck and Wilma both look shocked. Wilma: "Sir, you can't give Buck away!" Huer: "I certainly don't want to. I'll fight as best that I can to convince them to go to war, but I'm going to need help." Buck: "What kind of help?" Huer: "Buck, I'm going to need you to join me. The leaders of the world's eight most powerful nations are gathered together, and are going to decide rather to send troops out to war or not." Wilma: "I take it that they don't want to?" Huer now sits down at his desk, and opens the folder. He begins to skim the top page, and is looking at the page while he talks. Huer: "It's not looking good. We're lacking support from the two most powerful countries. The United States, and the Soviet Union." Buck looks a bit confused. "Dr. Huer, did you say 'Soviet Union'?" Huer nods. Huer: "Yes, I did. Why?" Buck: "The Soviet Union disbanded back in 1991. Did something happen in Russia?" Wilma: "Actually, it did. From the brief history that I remember in Russia, it started a downwards spiral towards corruption and poverty after disbanding in 1991. Finally, in the year 2117, during a worldwide depression, an idealist seized control of the country, and established Communism once again. The country repaired itself rather quickly, and then began to leak into other countries. Its leaders then adopted the old name, the Soviet Union." Buck: "So that means there's tension once again in the world?" Huer: "Not at all. Actually, The U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R became allies shortly after that. That was around the time that we met with the Draconians, and the two superpowers agreed that we would need to band together as a world in order to protect ourselves." Buck: "Interesting." Huer now finishes reading the paper, and looks up. Huer: "Sadly, it looks like they're agreeing that they need to band together and ship you off to Draconia." Wilma: "Sir!" Huer: "It's not looking good. Our forces are already spread thin dealing with recent Houten uprisings. We could possibly gather enough forces to repel the Draconians, but we would need full cooperation from all eight countries, most especially the two I just described." Buck: "I think that I could convince them to go to war. I've fought Curtis on his own turf before. I know how those Draconians are." Huer: "Then you'll agree to speak at the meeting?" Buck: "Yes sir, I will." Huer: "Wonderful. In that case, I suggest that you sit down. There's a few vital statistics that you're going to need to know before the meeting." Buck sits down, and Wilma begins to walk towards the door. Wilma: "Good luck, Buck. I..." Buck: "Don't worry Wilma. They can't get rid of me that easily." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ext: United Nations Headquarters int: Council Room All eight chairs in the front row are filled, and each person looks to be a distinguished leader. Each also has a flag above his chair, which shows where he comes from. A few are recognizable, like America and the U.S.S.R., but some look much different than any flag today. Burris is standing on the podium, looking down at the audience. Dr. Huer and Buck are sitting in chairs behind him. Burris (to the audience): "Now, our next order of business, item number five on the list. Should we send armed soldiers to declare a global war against Draconia?" There is now murmuring among the world leaders, as Burris raises his hands. Note that from here, for simplicity, each person in the audience will just be referred to by what country he comes from, so not to confuse people with all the names. U.S.: "No!" Burris: "Before we make our minds up just yet, I think we should listen to what Dr. Huer has to say." As he says this, Dr. Huer stands up. He then walks over to the podium, and puts some papers on the slanting board to his side. Huer: "Please, before you make up your minds just yet, at least give me a chance to explain." China: "What's to explain? You want to send our troops to die!" U.S.S.R.: "We're already in one war, why would we want two?" Huer: "You all act as though I'm choosing to have a war." U.S.: "All you have to do is tell them that you will give them Rogers." Huer: "You would give up one man, Mr. President?" U.S.: "For the sake of about 10 billion people's lives? Yes, I would." Huer: "You fool! The Draconians almost fired a nuclear bomb straight at the Defense Directorate." European Union: "I was told that the man behind that attack acted independently of Draconian authority." Huer now looks back, to where Buck is sitting. Huer: "I think that Buck can explain this better than I could. Buck, would you come up and explain our situation." Buck nods, and stands up. Huer steps away from the podium, back to where Bissen is, and sits next to him. Buck now looks out at the crowd of angry leaders. Buck: "Gentlemen, the man that was behind this attack is named Charles Curtis. Like me, he was an American that leaped ahead in time five-hundred years. But, he doesn't want Earth. He wants me." The camera pans over Huer, who is looking in disbelief. Huer (to himself): "Buck, what are you doing?" U.S.: "Then you admit that we should surrender you?" Buck: "You can if you wish. But that man Curtis is a high-ranking official of the Draconian government. He doesn't want to kill me. Rather, he wants to destroy everything close to me. The first time he appeared, he captured me, and tried to kill Lieutenant Wilma Deering. The second time, he waited until I left Earth, and then attempted to fire a high-grade nuclear missile at my home, the Defense Directorate. What do you think would happen if he got hold of me?" U.S.S.R.: "He would leave us alone?" Buck: "No. He would tie me to a chair by the window of his mother ship, and force me to watch as he systematically destroys each country one by one, all the while telling me that this was my fault for something that happened five hundred years ago. Better yet, he'll now be able to catch you off-guard, probably doing major damage before you all have time to regroup. Understand?" The eight leaders in the audience all look at each other. Finally, Buck raises his hands to silence them. Cont.: "I'm just telling you what would happen. As long as I'm here, you're safe. As long as I'm not in the hands of Curtis, or King Draco, he'll be more conservative as to what he attacks. If you eliminate Curtis, who is no doubt behind this war, King Draco will most likely cease this operation." Buck now steps down from the podium, where Bissen returns. Bissen: "Thank you, Buck. We will now take a vote. Is there anyone else who would like to speak on this subject?" After a beat, no one says a word. Cont.: "In that case, raise your hand if you agree to send military force to fund the Draconian War?" All eight in the audience look at each other, and then each raises his hand. Bissen looks back at Buck. Bissen: "I guess you convinced them. In that case, we will discuss how many troops, and other strategy plans at the Defense Directorate. That is the last item on the list; thank you for your time." End of Act Three ========================================= Beginning of Act Four] ext: S.S.ANDROPOV int: Cynthia's Room Curtis is standing outside the room, wearing a gray hat with a red band that matches his suit, and knocks on the door. Cynthia's voice: "Who is it?" Curtis: "Charles Curtis." Cynthia: "What do you want?" Curtis: "You to open the door. Whether you like me or not, you're still under my command, and I order that you let me in!" At this, the door opens, and Curtis walks in. Cynthia is sitting on a chair, glaring at Curtis. Cynthia: "Come to rub it in my face, sir, that I'm a woman?" Curtis laughs. "No. Actually, I've come to give you some great news. Cynthia, you're no longer Vice Commander of the ship, but I have an even better position for you?" Cynthia: "Your maid, perhaps?" Curtis now pulls a folded sheet of paper out of his jacket pocket, and unfolds it. Curtis: "No. Let me read you the chain of command, shall I?" Cynthia rolls her eyes, and then leans back in the chair. Cynthia: "As you wish..." Curtis: "Commander of the Nova Fleet II, Charles James Curtis. Vice Commander of the Nova Fleet II, Radcliff Tragen. Head Deputy of the Nova Fleet II, Cynthia DeBane." Cynthia looked up. Cynthia: "But I thought..." Curtis: "I made an agreement with King Draco. He said that as long as we didn't flaunt your position to the public, you can be my personal assistant, as well as third in command. If something were to happen to me, then, of course, it would be up to Tragen to decide whether to keep you on board." Cynthia: "But you'd do that for me?" Curtis now smiles. "Of course I would. Of course, your actual position and duties would be the same. Tragen would be my assistant in the public eye, but you'd still be the real second-in-command. After all, Tragen's just going to be stopping around every once in a while." Cynthia now jumps out of the chair and hugs Curtis. Curtis: "Oh, thank you sir. I'm sorry about all those things that I said." Curtis now sits down, as Cynthia steps back. Curtis: "Don't worry. You are right though. Gender shouldn't be a factor. But I doubt that will change in my lifetime." Cynthia: "No sir, this is not your fault at all. You did what you could. Thank you, though." Curtis: "Anyways, as I told everyone, you have the rest of the week on leave. Until those mechanics finish those enhancements, there's nothing that I nor anyone else can do." Cynthia: "How about your personal assistant shows you around the capital of the empire?" Curtis stands up and smiles. Curtis: "I'd like that, Cynthia." Together, they begin to walk out, as the screen fades. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int: Huer's Office Huer is sitting behind his desk, with Buck sitting on the other side. Huer: "Buck, I'm glad that you convinced them to double their soldiers sent to war." Buck: "You really appreciate me here at the Directorate?" Huer: "I think that you do great things here. It'd be a shame to lose you. Plus, I'd never give in to those Draconians." Buck: "What happens now?" Huer: "Well, we're not going to get enough soldiers for a head-on assault. We're going to have to wait until they strike first, and then repel them. Hopefully, Curtis will be among their ranks." Buck: "If I know him, then I know that he wouldn't give up an opportunity to hunt me down." Huer: "I wish there was some way we could talk to him. Some way to convince him that he can't just destroy innocent lives to get back at you." Buck: "Madness has eaten away at him. I don't think he'd listen to reason. I don't like doing this, but terminating him is the only way to solve this problem." Huer: "Well, you'd better work hard now. After all, if we don't see some results in this war, they may end up turning you over to Curtis anyway." Buck: "First the Houten, then the Draconians. What's next?" Huer: "Well Buck, you should know better than the rest of us that the future is quite unpredictable." The camera now zooms out slowly, before fading to black. End of Act Four Ending Credits Commence